florists billings montana
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CALL: 406-652-6960



Local Florist Crafted

Certified Beautiful

Hand Delivered


Product Description:


Substitution Policy:

Occasionally, substitutions of flowers or containers must be made. If this is the case with the gift you`ve selected, we will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.


Delivery Policy:

Same day delivery requests must be placed before 12 noon. There may be additional delivery fees for incorrect delivery addresses or multiple deliveries due to unavailability of the recipient. Deliveries are charged per attempt. It is standard procedure to leave flowers at the driver`s discretion if the recipient is unavailable unless otherwise specified. We reserve the right to substitute flowers of equal value and similar style and color if specific flowers are not in stock or not in season. For special requests or questions, please call our shop directly at 406-652-6960.


Areas We Service:

Billings Montana Zip codes 59101, 59102, 59105, and 59106


Make your arrangement extra special.


Choose A Delivery Date


Guaranteed SAFE Checkout


Local Florist Crafted

Certified Beautiful

Hand Delivered


Product Description:


Substitution Policy:

Occasionally, substitutions of flowers or containers must be made. If this is the case with the gift you`ve selected, we will ensure that the style, theme and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.


Delivery Policy:

Same day delivery requests must be placed before 12 noon. There may be additional delivery fees for incorrect delivery addresses or multiple deliveries due to unavailability of the recipient. Deliveries are charged per attempt. It is standard procedure to leave flowers at the driver`s discretion if the recipient is unavailable unless otherwise specified. We reserve the right to substitute flowers of equal value and similar style and color if specific flowers are not in stock or not in season. For special requests or questions, please call our shop directly at 406-652-6960.


Areas We Service:

Billings Montana Zip codes 59101, 59102, 59105, and 59106